tsuki no mon ni: yurei no mori

tsuki no mon ni: yurei no mori
tsuki no mon ni: yurei no mori

Wednesday 28 April 2010

the latest news on the moongate...

The 2010 sculpturekeywest season is over, and I thank everyone who has made the progress of the moongate so successful. Like the shrine I intended it to be, moongate is covered with thousands of messages, all of them redolent with love.

Big thanks go out again to david foster, jane blatherwick, and the entire staff at ft. zachary taylor state park. They have been enormously encouraging from the beginning of this project, and remain so. Big thanks also to paige pedri, bill wood, and mark kellner for their assistance during deinstallation; I am unaccustomed to help, and am very grateful. Finally, a big thanks to vera vasek, who worked heroically to bring us a burn event. Alas, we were unable to burn the moongate at the park: because of insurance concerns, an executive decision was made by the board of directors of sculpturekeywest to cancel the event. However, it is my intention to try for another burn event next year with a different piece, for which the Anne McKee Artists Fund is providing some support, so stay tuned.

While I’m sure the failure to burn might be a disappointment to some, I must admit I have found a silver lining here. Firstly, my parents, who would have missed the burn, arrived in time to visit the moongate in person, and I feel very lucky to have been able to share that with them. Secondly, the moongate has been carefully dismantled and removed en masse to the studio at big torch key, where it is being prepared for a brief reincarnation before a private burn event, which I will videotape and prepare as a short film. I will keep everyone informed of the progress of the film and where to view it. All of the messages, as well as both notebooks, will be committed to the fire at an undisclosed location sometime in mid- to late-may.

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